I wrote a piece for Mexico News Daily a few years back about the awesome independent jazz label Pitayo Music, run by a young Mexico City musician in hopes of promoting the city’s jazz scene. I am 100 % on board with that goal and folks ask me all the time where they can see live music while they are visiting. So here are a few links to help you tap into the jazz scene here (a few of which I just heard about!), some of the young artists that are breaking the mold, and some upcoming events you might want to check out on your visit to Mexico City.
First of all, there’s www.contratiemposjazz.net, which not only provides videos and samples of local players but has an ongoing calendar that you consult any day you want to see something live.
Then there is the website for Juan Pablo Aispuro’s music label Pitayo, which has all kinds of gems on it. He’s officially producing artists listed on his site, but he’s also recording all types of artists from around the city. That includes non-jazz projects that you can see some videos of here on YouTube. The #musicapormimexico project was born in the aftermath of the 2017 earthquake, when as a result of businesses closing Juan Pablo invited Mexican artists to his studio to record Mexican music that they loved.

Here are a few of the most reliable venues to see jazz or jazz and blues variations :
Zinco Jazz, Calle de Motolinia 20, Centro Histórico, http://www.zincojazz.com/
Parker and Lenox, Calle Milan 14, Colonia Juarez, https://www.facebook.com/parkerandlenox
Jazztlan – Guanajuato 239, Colonia Roma Norte, https://www.instagram.com/jazzatlancapital
Casa Franca, Merida 109, Colonia Roma Norte https://www.facebook.com/Lacasamerida109
El Convite, Ajusco 79 bis, Colonia Portales Sur – check their website for dates and times http://elconvite.com.mx/
Pizza Jazz, Eje 7 Sur 46, Colonia Portales Oriente, https://www.facebook.com/groups/368619106483598/
Bolero Basement, Guanajuato 80, Colonia Roma Norte, – Music styles here vary from jazz to blues to salsa and son, call for dates and times. https://www.instagram.com/bolerobasement/
Las Musas de PapáSibarita, Orizaba 218-A, Colonia Roma Norte https://www.facebook.com/lasmusasdepapasibarita/
Departamento, Alvaro Obregon 154, Colonia Roma Norte – The music varies in styles https://www.facebook.com/departamentostudiobar/

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