Mexico City Streets Cancellation Policy

We hate when tours get canceled! But we know it happens sometimes so here is how we deal with it.

If you cancel: The deposit that you pay to book your tour is non-refundable, but if you want to reschedule we will respect your deposit payment towards the same tour or a different tour for a year from the date of your original tour. If you have already paid the balance of your tour we will refund everything but the 30% deposit.

If we cancel: You will receive a full refund, including the deposit payment.

If there is a natural disaster or other unexpected act of god or man: We can’t control the universe unfortunately, and for cancellation for anything beyond our control we will refund you everything but the 30% non-refundable deposit.

If it rains: All tours run rain or shine, so please prepare for the weather by bringing umbrellas and rain jackets. We will try to give you as much advance warning as possible about what we predict the weather will be.